Hip and thigh pain can be hard to diagnose and treat without professional medical supervision. The hip and thigh areas of the body contain the largest bones and muscles and are packed with various nerves. Aging, trauma, and sports related injuries are the leading causes of hip and thigh pain.

Piriformis Syndrome:

Piriformis Syndrome is a disorder caused when the piriformis muscle presses on the sciatic nerve. This muscle is located in the buttocks close to the top of the hip joint and is crucial to lower body movement as it allows us to walk, maintain balance and shift weight from one foot to another. Damage to this area can be caused by a variety of activities, including many sports.

Trochanteric Bursitis:

Trochanteric Bursitis occurs when there is inflammation of the trochanteric bursa, which is a part of the hip. This bursa works as a shock absorber and provides lubricant to the joint so muscles and bones can move smoothly. When it is damaged or not functioning properly, pain and loss of motion can result.

Iliopsoas Strain:

This condition often presents itself as pain at the front of the hip. The Iliopsoas muscle is comprised of two muscles: the Iliacus and the Psoas. A person suffering from this strain can have varying degrees of pain in the hip and thigh region, in addition to hip stiffness. Pain is often felt when lifting the knee, kicking motions, and hip flexing.

Adductor Strain:

Adductor Strain, also known as a groin strain, is a very common issue with athletes and others who are physically active. The most common sports causing this strain include football, soccer, hockey, figure skating, basketball, tennis, and karate. It occurs most often through a side-to-side motion as when changing direction suddenly.

Hamstring Strain:

Perhaps one of the most common injuries to athletes, a Hamstring Strain occurs when the hamstring muscle is stretched too far, too suddenly. It causes sharp pain in the back of the thigh and is often brought about through sprinting, kicking, or other movements that cause fast stretching of the muscle.

Quadriceps Strain:

A Quadriceps Strain is felt at the front of the thigh and is caused by a tear in one of the quadriceps muscles. Pain can vary from fairly mild to severe, depending on the degree the muscle is damaged. In severe cases, patients can also suffer from the inability to walk. The gravity of treatments and rehabilitation will depend on how severe the injury is and how it occurred.